PCT’s 40th Anniversary celebration was attended by about 50 people. There were 5 different speakers to open up the festivities. John Velis, State senator, Mike Tautznik, former Easthampton mayor, Jeff Bagg, Easthampton City planner and Robert McDonald, Angel Monument Director all spoke of the importance of having PCT as part of the community. Summaries of the speakers’ speeches can be found at The Reminder Easthampton link. John Bator, President of the Trust then spoke of the history and vision of the Trust and he followed his speech by playing “Save the Pond” song with a backup chorus. A YouTube video of the performance can be found here. A detailed timeline put together by several board member was on display as well as a special 40th anniversary celebratory trail map describing 8 of the PCT properties and trails. A pdf of the 1982 to 2022 timeline can be viewed/downloaded here.
Children who attended were able to paint their own small porcupines.
Our thanks to Mt Tom Ice Cream for the donation of PCT Porcupine Parfait ice cream specially made for the event and to Northampton Rental Center for the donation of the speaker/microphone and podium.